
Opening Saturday May 23th  6.30pm

May 23 - July 11, 2015 

Claudio Poleschi Arte Contemporanea

Via Santa Giustina 21 and Chiesa di San Matteo, Piazza San Matteo 3, Lucca

 Madonna Scheletrita, Bertozzi & Casoni, ceramica policroma cm 205 x 195 x 100, 2003

Claudio Poleschi Arte Contemporanea is pleased to present Tracce, a solo exhibition by artists Bertozzi & Casoni.

Bertozzi & Casoni was founded in Imola in 1980 by Giampaolo Bertozzi (Borgo Tossignano, Bologna, 1957) and Stefano Dal Monte Casoni (Lugo di Romagna, Ravenna, 1961).
Together, the two artists cultivate an original vocation for sculptural experimentation, with a predilection for painted pottery, the primary technique used in the creation of their art.

In Lucca, the exhibition, in collaboration with the Galleria Tega of Milan, includes a series of monumental works. Three large works in the former church of San Matteo and a group of sculptures drawn from the classic repertoire of Bertozzi & Casoni’s art, in Via Santa Giustina.

The works on show in the former church include the ‘Madonna scheletrita’, made entirely of polychrome ceramic and representing a reworking of the majolica piece ‘Scegli il Paradiso’ from the 1990s, where the Madonna uses a reel lawnmower to cut grass in the Garden of Eden.
Another work on view is ‘Composizione non finita-infinita’, ten meters of first-aid kits, filled with objects, all made entirely in ceramic (presented at the Venice Biennale 2009). And much more.

The themes treated are the classics of Bertozzi & Casoni’s oeuvre, vanitas, memento mori, with floral motifs on refuse-laden earth, improbable decapitations, parrots on Warholian Brillo Boxes. The theme of Pinocchio, which is central to the Milan exhibition, is here replaced by that of the “falsehoods of art”, where Nulla è come appare, forse (Nothing is what it seems — perhaps), and by the spectacular falsehoods of artistic illusionism confronted with those of reality. A continuous process of investigation, verification and falsification.

The exhibition is accompanied by a catalogue with an essay by Federico Sardella, an interview with the artists, images of all the works on show and a series of more than thirty works created by the artists between the first years of the 21st century and today.

Dates: May 23 – July 11, 2015
Hours: Mon-Fri 10.00-18.30 Sat. & Sunday on appointment
Addresses: Via Santa Giustina 21 (Entrance) & Piazza San Matteo 3, 55100 Lucca
Tel: +39 0583 469490 - Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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